8th World Rogaining Championships
Picture: Marsh

Total number of participants

Please explain the following: in forum on 01.02.08 WRC organizing team wrote: "Registration closed 1 February 0:00.
By this time the number persons on the waiting list was 216, making the total with confirmed participants 784."

If we look at the statistics - the total number of participants is 788! Why is there an increase in number of participants?


We closed registration on 1 February 2008 in a situation where the entry limit imposed by the National Park was 700. Now as they have agreed to extend the entry limit to 800, we have added all teams from the waiting list, while few entry places remain vacant.
However, will not re-open registration.
As explained in Bulletin No2 (section Registration) the organizers together with the IRF WRC Manager retained the right to decide on the allocation of the remaining number of entries to ensure the competitive character of the WRC and geographic representation of participants.

We will use this discretionary power to decide which teams to accept for the remaining few vacant places. For example, we accepted one French team, as France was previously underrepresented.

Best wishes,
Lauri Leppik
8WRC2008 co-ordinator


Is it possible to registering insted of participants who not paid yet?

[email protected]


Is it still possible to register in the 8th world rogaining championships for team of two russia racers ?


There have been several similar requests for additional registration. While we have been in contact with the few remaining teams who have not yet transfered their entry fee, this does not change the principles described above for allocating the few remaining or any emerging (due to withdrawals) vacancies. These are:
1) competitiveness of the team;
2) new or underrepresented rogaining countries.

Best wishes,
Lauri Leppik
8WRC2008 co-ordintor

© TA Orienteerumisklubi, 2013